
Length: 90-100 minutes

Casting: 5-6 Actors

A one-night-stand becomes a lifetime commitment through some fairy dragmother magic.

SYNOPSIS: At 35, Piper had decided to give up on love and procreation. His family dies stupid young after all. When a one-night-stand leaves him with a random pair of Andrew Christian underwear, Piper does the logical thing and sews the abandoned briefs into a puppet. A magical fairy godmother drag queen brings this puppet to life, and Piper is left to raise his puppet child Andrew alone.

WHY THIS PLAY: This is a queer, Pinocchio-inspired take on the single parent narrative. Let’s be real: do this play because drag queens and puppets are awesome.

This was developed at Hyde Park Theatre in Austin, Texas.

Read the play on the New Play Exchange OR contact BriandanielOglesby(at)gmail.com