Icarus Livingstone Falls Into the Sea

48240821_10157946976683332_9163555559171948544_nIcarus Falls

Length: 95 minutes

Casting: 6-20+ Actors (preferably 12+)

SYNOPSIS:    A Chorus of the Dead puts the broken Icarus back together, telling him of his boyhood friendship with Tor, who would become the Minotaur in the Labyrinth, and with Theseus, who would kill him. The path to his final fall is far from straightforward, and the Chorus tells of the cruelty of the tyrant – Tor’s father and king – and the world that made them.

WHY THIS PLAY:    Modern elements like Youtubers mounting the 24-hour Labyrinth Challenge make this a relevant take on a classic story. Appropriate for teens and adults.

Script available via The New Play Exchange or by contacting Briandaniel.